

个人简介:李名,男,1981年6月生,中共党员,副教授,博士,硕士生导师。中国图象图形学学会数字媒体取证与安全专委委员。近年来,主持了国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助、河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关)、河南省高等学校重点科研项目等。发表SCI期刊论文54篇(中科院2区以上28篇),其中第一作者27篇,除一作外的通信作者7篇,Web of Science引用895次,H指数18。作为第一发明人已获得国家发明专利授权5项,澳大利亚革新专利授权2项。获河南省第四届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖、省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖等奖励18项。担任《IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security》、《IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing》、《IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology》、《Information Sciences》等多个国际高水平学术期刊的审稿专家。目前名下已有多名硕士毕业生到985/211高校读博深造。

电子邮件: liming@htu.edu.cn







3.新课标背景下的郑州市小学便民服务研究— —以午餐配送、课后延时服务为例,河南省教育信息化优秀成果一等奖(李名,王玉雯),豫教[2021]27444号,河南省教育厅,2021年9月。


5.Cryptanalysis and improvement of a chaotic image encryption by first-order time-delay system,2021年度河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖(李名,范海菊,李阳,张玉书),豫教[2021]19063号,河南省教育厅,2021年6月。


7.A recoverable chaos-based fragile watermarking with high PSNR preservation,优秀科技论文二等奖(李名),豫教[2020]8848号,河南省教育厅,2020年5月。

8.Reversible Data Hiding in Block Compressed Sensing Images,优秀科技论文二等奖(李名),豫教[2020]8849号,河南省教育厅,2020年5月。


10.Improved reversible data hiding for encrypted images using full embedding strategy,优秀科技论文一等奖(李名,肖迪,张玉书),豫教[2019]01835号,河南省教育厅,2019年5月。

11.Cryptanalyzing a chaotic encryption algorithm for highly autocorrelated data,优秀科技论文一等奖(李名,刘尚旺,牛丽平,刘红),豫教[2019]01833号,河南省教育厅,2019年5月。

12.Attack and improvement of the Fidelity Preserved Fragile Watermarking of Digital Images,优秀科技论文二等奖(李名,肖迪,张玉书),豫教[2019]02182号,河南省教育厅,2019年5月。


14.Reversible data hiding in encrypted images using cross division and additive homomorphism,河南省第四届自然科学学术奖——河南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖(李名,肖迪,张玉书,南海),河南省人力资源和社会保障厅、河南省科学技术协会,2018年1月。




18.Cryptanalysis and improvement of a binary watermark-based copyright protection scheme for remote sensing images,河南省第三届自然科学学术奖——河南省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(李名,张锦华,温文媖),河南省人力资源和社会保障厅、河南省科学技术协会,2015年12月。


1. 河南省教育厅,河南省教师教育课程改革研究项目,基于深度知识追踪的师范生信息素养评价与提升路径研究,2022-1至2022-12,在研,主持。

2. 河南省科技厅,河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关),基于区块链的图像安全存证与认证关键技术研究,2021-01至2022-12,在研,主持。

3. 河南省科技厅,河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关),基于Permutation-Substitution结构的图像混沌加密密码分析,2018-01至2019-12,已结题,主持。

4.  国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于同态加密的密文图像可逆信息隐藏研究,2017-01至2019-12,已结题,主持。

5. 中国博士后科学基金会, 第60批中国博士后科学基金面上资助一等资助项目, 基于直方图移位的密文图像可逆信息隐藏研究, 2016-11至2018-10, 已结题, 主持。

6. 河南省教育厅, 河南省高等学校重点科研项目,云环境下图像安全信息隐藏方法研究, 2015-01至2016-12, 已结题, 主持。


1. 李名; 路丹丹; 任花; 王兰兰; 常慧敏; 一种基于超混沌系统和自动细胞机的加密图像的解密方法, 2021-05-04, 中国(国家发明专利), ZL201810561299.6.

2. 李名; 聂佳琦; 吕梦如; 张晓非; 王玉雯; 一种基于混沌映射的动态S盒构造与图像加密方法, 2021-4-16, 中国(国家发明专利), ZL201810560692.3.

3. 李名; 孙林; 张恩; 李瑞萍; 王伟; 一种基于混沌理论的高PSNR脆弱水印方法, 2019-10-18, 中国(国家发明专利), ZL201510746447.8.

4. 李名; 黄蓉; 李玲玲; 徐亚楠; 杨俊雪; 郝远静; 一种基于混沌S盒的图像加密算法的解密方法, 2019-08-16, 中国(国家发明专利), ZL201810561623.4.

5. 李名; 刘尚旺; 刘栋; 李瑞萍; 常宝方; 一种改进的高保真脆弱水印方法, 2018-07-10, 中国(国家发明专利), ZL201510506038.0.

6. Li, Ming; Li, Ruiping; Liang, Cunliang; A privacy-preserved reversible data hiding scheme for color images, 2019-02-20, 澳大利亚(Innovation Patent), 2019100113.

7. Li, Ming; Li, Ruiping; Fan, Haiju; Zhang, En; A novel CS-VQ based image encryption scheme, 2019-01-23, 澳大利亚(Innovation Patent), 2018102061.




[1] Lu, Dandan; Li, Ming; Liao, Yi; Tao Guihua; Cai Hongmin*. Verifiable Privacy-preserving Queries on Multi-source Dynamic DNA Datasets. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, (Early Access), DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2022.3171547. (SCI)

[2] Ren, Hua; Niu, Shaozhang; Chen, Jiajun; Li, Ming; Yue, Zhen. A Visually Secure Image Encryption Based on the Fractional Lorenz System and Compressive Sensing. Fractal and Fractional, 2022, 6: 302. (SCI)

[3] Li, Ming*; Wang, Mengdie; Fan, Haiju; An, Kang*; Liu, Guoqi. A novel plaintext-related chaotic image encryption scheme with no additional plaintext information. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2022, 158: 111989. (SCI)

[4] Fan, Haiju; Lu, Heng*; Zhang, Chenjiu; Li, Ming; Liu, Yanfang. Cryptanalysis of an Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Random Walk and Hyperchaotic Systems. Entropy, 2022, 24(1): 40. (SCI)


[1] Ren, Hua; Niiu, Shaozhang*; Fan, Haiju; Li, Ming; Yue, Zhen. Secure Image Authentication Scheme Using Double Random-Phase Encoding and Compressive Sensing. Security and Communication Networks, 2021, 2021: 6978772. (SCI)

[2] Dou, Yuqiang*; Li, Ming. An image encryption algorithm based on a novel 1D chaotic map and compressive sensing. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2021. 80: 24437–24454. (SCI)

[3] Fan, Haiju; Zhang, Chenjiu*; Lu, Heng; Li, Ming; Liu, Yanfang. Cryptanalysis of a New Chaotic Image Encryption Technique Based on Multiple Discrete Dynamical Maps. Entropy, 2021, 23(12): 1581. (SCI)

[4] Li, Ming*; Ren, Hua; Xiang, Yong*; Zhang, Yushu. Reversible data hiding in encrypted color images using cross-channel correlations. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021, 78: 103166. (SCI)

[5] Li, Ming*; Wang, Pengcheng; Yue, Yange; Liu, Yanfang*. Cryptanalysis of a secure image encryption scheme based on a novel 2D sine–cosine cross‑chaotic map. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 2021. 18: 2135–2149. (SCI)

[6] Zhang, En*; Li, Ming; Yiu, Siu-Ming; Du, Jiao; Zhu, Junzhe. Fair hierarchical secret sharing scheme based on smart contract. Information Sciences, 2021, 546: 166-176. (SCI)

[7] Li, Ming*; Zeng, Leilei; Zhao, Le; Yang, Renlin; An, Dezhi; Fan, Haiju. Blockchain-Watermarking for Compressive Sensed Images. IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 56457-56467. (SCI)


[1] Fan, Haiju; Zhou Kanglei; Zhang, En; Wen, Wenying; Li, Ming*. Subdata image encryption scheme based on compressive sensing and vector quantization. Neural Computing & Applications, 2020, 32(16): 12771-12787. (SCI)

[2] Wen, Wenying; Hong, Yukun; Fang, Yuming*; Li, Meng; Li, Ming. A visually secure image encryption scheme based on semi-tensor product compressed sensing. Signal Processing, 2020, 173: 107580. (SCI)

[3] Dou, Yuqiang*; Li, Ming. Cryptanalysis of a New Color Image Encryption Using Combination of the 1D Chaotic Map. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2020, 10(6): 2187. (SCI)

[4] Li, Ming*; Wang, Lanlan; Fan, Haiju. Privacy-preserved data hiding using compressive sensing and fuzzy C-means clustering. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2020, 16(2): 1550147720908748. (SCI)

[5] Dou, Yuqiang*; Li, Ming. An Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Compressive Sensing and M Sequence. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 220646-220657. (SCI)

[6] Li, Ming*; Chang, Huimin; Xiang, Yong; An, Dezhi. A Novel Anti-Collusion Audio Fingerprinting Scheme Based on Fourier Coefficients Reversing. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2020, 27: 1794-1798. (SCI)

[7] Zhou, Kanglei; Fan, Jingjing; Fan, Haiju; Li, Ming*. Secure image encryption scheme using double random-phase encoding and compressed sensing. Optics and Laser Technology, 2020, 121: 105769. (SCI)

[8] Wen, Wenying; Wei, Kangkang; Zhang, Yushu*; Fang, Yuming; Li, Ming. Colour light field image encryption based on DNA sequences and chaotic systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 99(2): 1587-1600. (SCI)


[1] Zhou, Kanglei; Xu, Minghui; Luo, Jidong; Fan, Haiju; Li, Ming*. Cryptanalyzing an image encryption based on a modified Henon map using hybrid chaotic shift transform. Digital Signal Processing, 2019, 93: 115-127. (SCI)

[2] Zhang, Yushu*; Huang, Hui; Yang, Lu-Xing; Xiang, Yong; Li, Ming. Serious Challenges and Potential Solutions for the Industrial Internet of Things with Edge Intelligence. IEEE Network, 2019, 33(5): 41-45. (SCI)

[3] Li, Ming; Xiao, Di*; Zhu, Ye; Zhang, Yushu; Sun, Lin. Commutative fragile zero-watermarking and encryption for image integrity protection. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019, 78(16): 22727-22742. (SCI)

[4] Wang, Ping; He, Xing*; Zhang, Yushu*; Wen, Wenying; Li, Ming. A robust and secure image sharing scheme with personal identity information embedded. Computers & Security, 2019, 85: 107-121. (SCI)

[5] Li, Ming; Lu, Dandan; Xiang, Yong; Zhang, Yushu*; Ren, Hua. Cryptanalysis and improvement in a chaotic image cipher using two-round permutation and diffusion. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 96(1): 31-47. (SCI)

[6] Li, Ming*; Zhou, Kanglei; Ren, Hua; Fan, Haiju*. Cryptanalysis of Permutation–Diffusion-Based Lightweight Chaotic Image Encryption Scheme Using CPA. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 9(3): 494. (SCI)

[7] Li, Ming*; Wang, Pengcheng; Liu, Yanfang*; Fan, Haiju. Cryptanalysis of a Novel Bit-Level Color Image Encryption Using Improved 1D Chaotic Map. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 145798-145806. (SCI)

[8] Li, Ming*; Wang, Lanlan; Fan, Jingjing; Zhang, Yushu*; Zhou, Kanglei; Fan, Haiju. Fidelity Preserved Data Hiding in Encrypted Highly Autocorrelated Data Based on Homomorphism and Compressive Sensing. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 69808-69825. (SCI)

[9] Li, Ming*; Xu, Minghui; Luo, Jidong; Fan, Haiju. Cryptanalysis of an Image Encryption Using 2D Henon-Sine Map and DNA Approach. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 63336-63345. (SCI)


[1] Fan, Haiju; Li, Ming; Liu, Dong; An, Kang*. Cryptanalysis of a plaintext-related chaotic RGB image encryption scheme using total plain image characteristics. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, 77(15): 20103-20127. (SCI)

[2] Li, Ming; Fan, Haiju; Xiang, Yong; Li, Yang; Zhang, Yushu*. Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Chaotic Image Encryption by First-Order Time-Delay System. IEEE Multimedia, 2018, 25(3): 92-101. (SCI)

[3] Li, Ming; Guo, Yuzhu; Huang, Jie; Li, Yang*. Cryptanalysis of a chaotic image encryption scheme based on permutation-diffusion structure. Signal Processing: image Communication, 2018, 62: 164-172. (SCI)

[4] Fan, Haiju; Li, Ming*; Liu, Dong; Zhang, En. Cryptanalysis of a colour image encryption using chaotic APFM nonlinear adaptive filter. Signal Processing, 2018, 143: 28-41. (SCI)

[5] Li, Ming; Lu, Dandan; Wen, Wenying; Ren, Hua; Zhang, Yushu*. Cryptanalyzing a Color Image Encryption Scheme Based on Hybrid Hyper-Chaotic System and Cellular Automata. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 47102-47111. (SCI)

[6] Li, Ming*; Ren, Hua; Zhang, En; Wang, Wei; Sun, Lin; Xiao, Di. A VQ-Based Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption Scheme for Secure and Efficient Image Distribution. Security and Communication Networks, 2018, 2018: 4313769. (SCI)

[7] Li, Ming; Fan, Haiju; Ren, Hua; Lu, Dandan; Xiao, Di; Li, Yang*. Meaningful Image Encryption Based on Reversible Data Hiding in Compressive Sensing Domain. Security and Communication Networks, 2018, 2018: 9803519. (SCI)

[8] Zhang, En*; Peng, Jie; Li, Ming. Outsourcing secret sharing scheme based on homomorphism encryption. IET Information Security, 2018, 12(1): 94-99. (SCI)


[1] Fan, Haiju; Li, Ming*; Mao, Wentao. VQ-based compressive sensing with high compression quality. Electronics Letters, 2017, 53(17): 1196-1198. (SCI)

[2] Dou, Yuqiang; Liu, Xiumin; Fan, Haiju; Li, Ming*. Cryptanalysis of a DNA and chaos based image encryption algorithm. Optik, 2017, 145: 456-464. (SCI)

[3] Li, Ming; Li, Yang*. Histogram shifting in encrypted images with public key cryptosystem for reversible data hiding. Signal Processing, 2017, 130: 190-196. (SCI)

[4] Wen, Wenying; Zhang, Yushu*; Su, Moting; Zhang, Rui; Chen, Jun-xin; Li, Ming. Differential attack on a hyper-chaos-based image cryptosystem with a classic bi-modular architecture. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 87(1): 383-390. (SCI)

[5] Fan, Haiju; Li, Ming*. Cryptanalysis and Improvement of Chaos-Based Image Encryption Scheme with Circular Inter-Intra-Pixels Bit-Level Permutation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, 2017: 8124912. (SCI)


[1] Li, Ming*; Liu, Shangwang; Niu, Liping; Liu, Hong. Cryptanalyzing a chaotic encryption algorithm for highly autocorrelated data. Optics and Laser Technology, 2016, 86: 33-38. (SCI)

[2] Li, Ming; Xiao, Di*; Liu, Hong; Bai, Sen. A recoverable chaos-based fragile watermarking with high PSNR preservation. Security and Communication Networks, 2016, 9(14): 2371-2386. (SCI)

[3] Li, Ming*; Xiao, Di; Zhang, Yushu. Attack and Improvement of the Fidelity Preserved Fragile Watermarking of Digital Images. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2016, 41(3): 941-950. (SCI)

[4] Li, Ming; Xiao, Di*; Zhang, Yushu. Reversible Data Hiding in Block Compressed Sensing Images. ETRI Journal, 2016, 38(1): 159-163. (SCI)


[1] Li, Ming*; Xiao, Di; Zhang, Yushu; Nan, Hai. Reversible data hiding in encrypted images using cross division and additive homomorphism. Signal Processing: image Communication, 2015, 39: 234-248. (SCI)

[2] Li, Ming*; Xiao, Di; Kulsoom, Ayesha; Zhang, Yushu. Improved reversible data hiding for encrypted images using full embedding strategy. Electronics Letters, 2015, 51(9): 690-691. (SCI)

[3] Nan, Hai; Fang, Bin*; Yang, Weibin; Qian, Jiye; Li, Ming; Liu, Yi; Zhang, Yushu. Cryptanalysis and Improvement of the Robust and Blind Watermarking Scheme for Dual Color Image. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 2015: 526174. (SCI)


[1] Zhang, Yushu; Xiao, Di*; Wen, Wenying; Li, Ming. Cryptanalyzing a novel image cipher based on mixed transformed logistic maps. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2014, 73(3): 1885-1896. (SCI)

[2] Li, Ming; Xiao, Di*; Zhang, Yushu; Liu, Hong. Attack and improvement of the joint fingerprinting and decryption method for vector quantization images. Signal Processing, 2014, 99: 17-28. (SCI)

[3] Zhang, Yushu; Xiao, Di*; Wen, Wenying; Li, Ming. Breaking an image encryption algorithm based on hyper-chaotic system with only one round diffusion process. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 76(3): 1645-1650. (SCI)

[4] Li, Ming; Xiao, Di*; Peng, Zhongxian; Nan, Hai. A Modified Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Random Diffusion and Accurate Prediction. ETRI Journal, 2014, 36(2): 325-328. (SCI)

[5] Li, Ming*; Zhang, Jinhua; Wen, Wenying. Cryptanalysis and improvement of a binary watermark-based copyright protection scheme for remote sensing images. Optik, 2014, 125(24): 7231-7234. (SCI)

[6] Zhang, Yushu*; Wen, Wenying; Su, Moting; Li, Ming. Cryptanalyzing a novel image fusion encryption algorithm based on DNA sequence operation and hyper-chaotic system. Optik, 2014, 125(4): 1562-1564. (SCI)

