Dai DongMei


Personal information:

Dai DongMei, Female, Doctor, E-mail: 2017061@htu.edu.cn


1998.09-2001.06 Physical education major, Luoyang Normal University

2007.09-2010.06 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal UniversityPhysical chemistry major,Master of Science

2013.09-2017.06 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal Universitychemistry majorDoctor of Science

practice experiences

2002.09No. 3 Middle School,Shenqiu, Zhoukou

2012.09Henan Normal University Chemical and Chemical College Experimental Center

2017.07Henan Normal University Chemical Engineering College large-scale instruments

Research areas:

Research and Application of Lithium and Sodium Electric for Positive Materials

Major scientific projects hosted in recent years:

1Bao Li, Xinbo Wang, Yibo Gao, Bao Wang*, Jinxu Qiu, Xu Cheng, Dongmei Dai* Improving rate performances of Li-rich layered oxide by the co-doping of Sn and K ionsJournal of MateriomicsDOI: 10.1016/j.jmat.2019.01.005

2Dongmei Dai, Dongwei Yan*, Bao Li*, Kun Chang, Hongwei Tang, Zhaorong Chang*, A facile and scalable self-assembly strategy to prepare two-dimensional nanoplate: synthesisi of precursor for layered cathode material Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Co0.13Ni0.13]O2 with high capacity and rate performance, Electrochimica Acta. 2017, 235: 632-639;

3Dongmei Dai, Bao Li*, Hongwei Tang, Kun Chang, Kai Jiang, Zhaorong Chang*, Xiaozi Yuan, Simultaneously improved capacity and initial coulombic efficiency of Li-rich cathode Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Co0.13Ni0.13]O2 by enlarging crystal cell from a nanoplate precursor, Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 307: 665-672;

4Dongmei Dai, Bao Wang*, Bao Li, Fan Li, Xinbo Wang, Hongwei Tang, Zhaorong Chang*, Li-rich layered Li1.2Mn0.54Co0.13Ni0.13O2deroved from transition metal carbonate with a micro-nanostructure as a cathode material for high-performance Li-ion batties, RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 96714-96720.
